Why You Need an iPhone Case

crocodile leather iphone 6 case - So you have a new iPhone (or iP ad) but don't think you need a protective case or cover for it? Well, you might like to consider the results of a recent study completed by electronics insurers, SquareTrade. They revealed that 28% (nearly one-third) of iPhones are damaged beyond repair within the first two years of ownership! These iPhones are either completely damaged or they have suffered a broken screen rendering them useless to their owners.

Now, whilst SquareTrade did not indicate in their report the percentage of iPhones that were protected by a case or some other form of protective cover, it makes sense that if you are going to spend a few hundred dollars on a phone that you should also spend a few more to protect it.

There are basically two things that you can do to improve the chances of your iPhone surviving longer than two years:


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