Medicare Insurance Plans - Understanding The Differences

If you are turning 65 and will be eligible for Medicare, you should consider getting one of the Medicare insurance plans that are available to you. Very few people become eligible for Medicare and decide that Medicare Parts A and B are enough coverage.

There are just to many holes in Medicare not to consider purchasing a Medigap policy or joining a Medicare Advantage plan. Anyone who has gotten close to Medicare age knows, you are literally inundated with information mailed to you. The most important information is sent from Medicare. This unbiased information gives you an overview of your options.

Publications such as Medicare and You and Choosing a Medigap policy: A Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare, include must-have information, but many people find the reading dry and boring. Insurance companies will almost bury you with literature when you are about to turn 65. Just look at all the four color brochures in your mail box. Often, you get a high level overview, but not what you really want, clear language and an idea of cost. Comparing Medicare insurance plans.

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